Tackling challenges together at the table, in the words of Mental Health coach James Jenkins, "brings you one step closer to becoming the resilient, empowered
individual you were meant to be" Quelmar is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping everyone find that benefit in their life.
We provide opportunities to forge lifelong connections through tabletop storytelling. Quelmar has helped communities made up of creatives from all ...
Players, Gamemasters, writers, voice-actors, and talented persons of all kind find home in Quelmar, a vast playground to volunteer and find support for their own endeavors.
Local Communities
Connecting Game Stores to patrons, libraries to students, and clubs to spaces, Quelmar works hard to "glow-up" the community via the power of play.
Convention Teams
Conventions and Gaming are like Peanut Butter and Jelly: Quelmar helps many convention staff and supply a bevy of gaming opportunities on site. Read More.
Good Causes
Extra Life, Worldbuilders, and Broadway Cares, are a few of the causes that Quelmar has passed its own goodwill along to.
Ancients Alive (Full title Tales of Quelmar: Ancients Alive) was a 20+ Player Campaign that began as a "campaign with a lower-case c" that started in Summer 2019. Starting at level 3, the storyline took players up to level 8 over 15 months. In early
The Beggar's Bodega is a campaign set in the city of Al'Adeaf starring a rotating cast of rambunctious investigators solving mysteries for the commoners of the city, though sometimes their journeys within the sinking city lead them into very unexpect
Qandela Obscura is an online Illuminated Worlds community campaign that began in December of 2023.
The campaign involves investigators of Candela Obscura seeks to procure phenomena of the Flare to research and protect the world from its dangers and